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Plot species occurrences at cameras as points in time.


  datetime_col = NULL,
  tz = NULL,
  date_col = NULL,
  time_col = NULL,
  cam_vec = NULL,
  points_col = NULL,
  dfcam = NULL,
  cam_col_dfcam = cam_col,
  setup_dfcam = "setup",
  retrieval_dfcam = "retrieval",
  interactive = FALSE,
  textsize = 10,
  text_x_angle = 0,
  ptsize = 1.5,
  date_breaks = NULL,
  date_format = "%b %d",
  date_limits = NULL,
  alpha_rect = 0.5,
  col_rect = "black",
  height_rect = 0.8,
  fill_rect = NA,
  tooltip_info = points_col,
  xlab = "Date",
  ylab = "Camera",
  cols = "black"



The dataframe


Name of the camera column


Name of the timestamp column. If it is a datetime, it must be of class POSIXct. It can be NULL if date_col and time_col are provided.


Timezone code to use for the data. If provided, the data will be converted to this timezone. If missing, will search a timezone in datetime_col (if provided), else will default to UTC (Etc/GMT for the R code). The data timezone (or the default timezone) will also override any timezone present in setup_dfcam or retrieval_dfcam.


Name of the date column. It is assumed to be of class Date (else, results are not guaranteed). It can be NULL if datetime_col is provided.


Name of the time column. It is assumed to be of class times (else, results are not guaranteed). It can be NULL if datetime_col is provided.


A character vector of all cameras that should appear on the plot (optional)


Name of the column to use for the color of data points (defaults to species column). If the graph is interactive, this will also be displayed in the labels. It is interpred as a discrete color scale.


Dataframe containing camera information. Must have at least one column with the camera ID, the setup and the retrieval date.


Name of the camera column in dfcam file.


Name of the setup column in dfcam file. The column must be coercible to POSIX (eg a Date). If it is not a POSIX, it will be converted to a POSIX attempting to use the timezone defined in tz (or its default). If it is a POSIX, the timezone will be converted to tz.


Name of the retrieval column in dfcam file. The column must be coercible to POSIX (eg a Date). If it is not a POSIX, it will be converted to a POSIX attempting to use the timezone defined in tz (or its default). If it is a POSIX, the timezone will be converted to tz.


Logical; make the plot interactive with ggiraph?


Base text size for the axis text (axes titles are 1.2 times bigger)


Tilting angle for the x-axis text.


Size for the points in the plot


Character describing x-axis ticks spacing (e.g. "10 day"). For the possible values, see documentation of ggplot2::scale_y_datetime for the argument date_breaks.


Character string encoding the display format for x-axis labels.


Vector of the lower and upper limit of the x-axis (must be a POSIX). The timezone should be the same as the timezone defined in the timezone argument.


transparency of the rectangle plotted for the sampling period (when dfcam is given)


stroke color of the rectangle plotted for the sampling period (when dfcam is given)


height of the rectangle plotted for the sampling period (when dfcam is given). The height is centered on the middle. 2 corresponds th the space between the y-axis ticks entirely filled.


fill color of the rectangle plotted for the sampling period (when dfcam is given)


Name of the column to display in the tooltip when hovering points (if interactive is TRUE). The data of this column will be displayed additionally to the of the point datetime. If NULL, only the datetime will be displayed.


Label for the x-axis


Label for the y-axis


Color palette for the points. Can be either a palette or a single color name. If a single color name is provided, but points_col has several values, this parameter will be overriden with the default palette. If a palette of colors is provided in cols, the values will be matched with points_col values. cols can be named with values of points_col to map colors. Else, the mapping is done by alphabetical order. If a palette is provided, but has more colors than the values of points_col, a warning will be issued and a subset will be selected (based on names of the palette that are in the values of points_col, if applicable). If it has less colors, an error will be returned.


A ggplot object representing time on the x-axis and cameras on the y-axis. Colors of the points correspond to different species.


If date_col and time_col are provided along with datetime_col, they will be ignored.


data("recordTableSample", package = "camtrapR")
recordTableSample$DateTimeOriginal <- as.POSIXct(recordTableSample$DateTimeOriginal)
# Without camera sampling information
            cam_col = "Station", 
            datetime_col = "DateTimeOriginal")

# With camera sampling information
data("camtraps", package = "camtrapR")
camtraps$Setup_date <- as.Date(camtraps$Setup_date, 
                               format = "%d/%m/%Y") 
camtraps$Retrieval_date <- as.Date(camtraps$Retrieval_date, 
                                   format = "%d/%m/%Y")
            cam_col = "Station", 
            datetime_col = "DateTimeOriginal",
            dfcam = camtraps,
            setup_dfcam = "Setup_date",
            retrieval_dfcam = "Retrieval_date")