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Filter camera trap data observations and cameras metadata based on species, cameras and dates. Values will be filtered out by default, but if filter_out is FALSE they will be kept instead.


  spp_filter = NULL,
  spp_col = NULL,
  obstype_filter = NULL,
  obstype_col = NULL,
  cam_filter = NULL,
  cam_col_rec = NULL,
  cam_col_cam = cam_col_rec,
  daterange = NULL,
  datetime_col = NULL,
  time_col = NULL,
  date_col = NULL,
  custom_filter = NULL,
  custom_col = NULL,
  tz = NULL,
  cam_as_factor = FALSE,
  filter_out = TRUE



The data to filter. It can be either a list with one component $data or a datapackage object (inheriting list). Either way, the data are in the $data slot with two components:

  • $deployments (cameras table)

  • $observations (records table)


Species to filter from the data


Name of the species column (required if spp_filter is not NULL)


Observation types to filter from the data


Name of the observation column (required if obstype_filter is not NULL)


Cameras to filter from the data


Name of the cameras column in records table (dat$data$observations). Required if cam_filter is not NULL.


Name of the cameras column in cameras table (dat$data$deployments). Defaults to the same value as cam_col_rec, and is required if cam_filter is not NULL.


Date range to filter on for the data (will filter observations' times so that times >= daterange[1] and times <= daterange[2]). Can be either a Date or a POSIX.


Name of the datetime column (must be coercible to POSIX). It is not needed if date_col and time_col are provided, but else it is required if daterange is not NULL.


Name of the time column. It is not needed if datetime_col is provided, but else it is required if daterange is not NULL.


Name of the date column. It is not needed if datetime_col is provided, but else it is required if daterange is not NULL.


values to filter out in the custom column custom_col.


name of a custom column in to filter values in dat$data$observations (required if custom_filter is not NULL).


Timezone for the data bounds. If not provided, will try to find the timezone in daterange (if it is a POSIX), then in datetime_col (if provided), and finally if no timezone is present it will default to UTC (Etc/GMT). For the filtering step, if needed datetimes in datetime_col can be converted to tz but the output data will not be affected.


Transform cameras as factors?


Filter out (TRUE) or keep values?


The filtered data. Species and dates remove data only in dat$data$observations, but cameras also remove cameras from dat$data$deployments.


For the spp_filter, cam_filter, daterange and custom_col values: if they are NULL, data are not filtered on that condition. Also note that e.g. if all species are in spp_filter, then all species will be filtered out.


data("recordTableSample", package = "camtrapR")
recordTableSample$DateTimeOriginal <- as.POSIXct(recordTableSample$DateTimeOriginal)
data("camtraps", package = "camtrapR")
dat <- list(data = list(observations = recordTableSample,
                        deployments = camtraps))
# Filter out data for species PBE and VTA, camera Station A and keep
# only data from 2009-05-01 to 2009-05-15.
            spp_col = "Species", 
            spp_filter = c("PBE", "VTA"),
            cam_col_rec = "Station", 
            cam_filter = "StationA",
            daterange = as.Date(c("2009-05-01", "2009-05-15")),
            datetime_col = "DateTimeOriginal")
#> $data
#> $data$observations
#>     Station Species    DateTimeOriginal       Date     Time delta.time.secs
#> 8  StationC     EGY 2009-05-02 03:35:00 2009-05-02 03:35:00          443880
#> 14 StationC     TRA 2009-05-01 20:10:00 2009-05-01 20:10:00          417000
#> 15 StationC     TRA 2009-05-02 00:10:00 2009-05-02 00:10:00           14280
#> 16 StationC     TRA 2009-05-12 02:32:00 2009-05-12 02:32:00          872460
#>    delta.time.mins delta.time.hours delta.time.days
#> 8             7398            123.3             5.1
#> 14            6950            115.8             4.8
#> 15             238              4.0             0.2
#> 16           14541            242.3            10.1
#>                                                                                      Directory
#> 8  C:/Users/niedballa/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/camtrapR/pictures/sample_images/StationC/EGY
#> 14 C:/Users/niedballa/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/camtrapR/pictures/sample_images/StationC/TRA
#> 15 C:/Users/niedballa/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/camtrapR/pictures/sample_images/StationC/TRA
#> 16 C:/Users/niedballa/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/camtrapR/pictures/sample_images/StationC/TRA
#>                                 FileName
#> 8  StationC__2009-05-02__03-35-00(1).JPG
#> 14 StationC__2009-05-01__20-10-00(1).JPG
#> 15 StationC__2009-05-02__00-10-00(1).JPG
#> 16 StationC__2009-05-12__02-32-00(1).JPG
#> $data$deployments
#>    Station  utm_y  utm_x Setup_date Retrieval_date Problem1_from Problem1_to
#> 1 StationB 606000 523000 03/04/2009     16/05/2009                          
#> 2 StationC 607050 525000 04/04/2009     17/05/2009    12/05/2009  17/05/2009